Purchase Notes: You will subscribe to Self-Developed Smart Life App and be granted access to respective resources on the Tuya IoT Development Platform for one year. For example, you will be entitled to App SDK updates, app development and configuration services, and app data-driven marketing operation services. After the subscription expires, the App SDK updates and respective app services on the Tuya IoT Development Platform will be unavailable. However, your SDK-based apps can still run as normal. The latest SDK version available to these apps is the last one released prior to the expiration.
What is Self-Developed
Smart Life App?
Self-Developed Smart Life App (Self-Developed App) is one of Tuya's IoT app development solutions.
You are entitled to a full range of development services and capabilities, including cloud connection services, Custom Domain Name and SSL/TLS Certificate, Extension SDK, UI BizBundle, and core capabilities of the Smart Life app.
Go to the Tuya IoT Development Platform, download up-to-date App SDK resources, and manage apps in the OEM App module.
What are the offerings for
App SDK combined with IoT Core?
Resource packages offered in App SDK
do not apply to API calls in cloud development.
IoT Core Standard Edition and Premium Edition
Self-Developed Smart Life App is purchased without special offers.
IoT Core Ultimate Edition and Corporate Edition
Cloud resource packages offered in IoT Core apply to cloud API calls with App SDK. However, Custom Domain Name is not supported.